Usual FoB goodness in the shape of unpredictable battlefield and managing the chaos/fog of war that ensues - wargaming as it's meant to be!/?
Highlights of the campaign system :
for the first time, with the campaign end in mind, I was thinking about which units not to risk when things went sour. This changes your entire outlook in a battle, and a system can have detrimental effects on future use of fatigued units forces you to think of winning the campaign and series of linked battles - winning the war, not the battle in essence. Your outlook and focus on how to fight changes completely.
I was struck with the dynamics of choosing the battlefield and the mechanism by which strengths and weaknesses, surprise and key deployments are handled via the card game (Blackjack) system and miniature maps. This allows you to decide where, when and how you will attack - if you get the drop on your opponent, though does not guarantee full control, and is a great pre-game.
So then the ideas started going off for other games:
- Nine Years War campaign - with months between battles (there were only about 4 major battles in Flanders anyway).
- Pick all of the Irish built up areas during the same era - 1690s - and try to cross the lines of the Shannon over a three year - five battle epic, with the same units getting better/worse on the basis of performance.
- Saratoga campaign - days/weeks between encounters managed on a 3 battle season.
- ACW - practically begs for this treatment.
- The WWII Corps/Division level campaign - Ardennes, Market Garden, Russian Front - this just writes itself for the WWII version of FoB.
The basic layout of 'potential battlefields, with rolls allowing preferential selection, and the cards (via playing 'Blackjack' or 'Pontoon', and gaining advantage via your hand of cards, allowing strength of deployment and manoeuvre advantage before you set up. The French were able to force the Prussians to set up two divisions before they themselves had to deploy - they out-scouted, but were outnumbered via this pre-game.
Laying out the battlefield... troops start to deploy. The French right would end up forming square against Prussian cavalry which would re-deploy from the centre - while the French cavalry on the left would surge across the centre when it eventually started to move - but by then the French had lost too much morale - and the French guard units on the left were too few in number and better kept to fight another day.
French units gain the town, but couldn't hold it.
French cavalry starts to get anxious. does the French right, deployed to (1) create a nuisance and (2) draw off Prussian reserves across the river, and thereby delay their getting back when things went south. It worked to a degree, but not enough to swing the tide of Prussian victory.
This is gonna hurt...
Although Sgt had added a rule for forming 'hasty square' during cavalry presence, the French were taking no chances. Form Square!
The centre looking inviting...
Pour La Gloire mes Amis!!!
Morale points ebbing - first army morale check passed. Now truth be told, the French should have pulled out rather than stay to fight - so I wasn't always thinking about the next battle (clearly I had too much sugar).
The French just can't retake the town - and even trying becomes expensive.
Action on the French right.
As French cavalry surges across the centre - but it's all too late.
The French left gets to fight another day, though the army morale and will is severely depleted. Sack that damned commander! Sacre Bleu!