Sunday, 24 September 2023

'I'm not quite dead sir...'

 Despite evidence to the contrary... NO! the blog is not yet dead. Granted I have been busy with research and being a DM for my nieces/nephews/friends' 5e D&D games; a long story which would require an even longer blog, but, here we are.

So a recent game with the Bunker crowd with Test of Battle, was covered by your roving reporter. 

This involved the actions around Buron, on the advance toward Carpiquet airfield, with Canucks. Test of Battle again - nice turn sequence, but lots of debate around stats and design decisions which I can't really be arsed listening to any more - so I'd say my future game decisions on my end, will be based around 'Field of Battle' style rules rather than rigid turn sequences and numbers which meant a lot in the 80s, but precious little now in terms of getting an enjoyable and partial simulation/partial game.

Canadian armour in defensive positions. the scenario had a little 'licence' in terms of what actually happened vs the setup at game start. Hence it was a bit of a cake-walk for the Canadians.

German advances on Canadian left

The right flank made the Germans pay dearly

Canadian armor at centre

PzIVs - just before brewing up

A nice German 75 ATG, which saw no action

Canucks in hard cover

Germans pay a heavy price for advance on Canuck right flank

Good to actually roll some dice again, even if I wasn't playing much. I will be trying to get some more FoB games over the line in the coming months, plus some research pics of lost forts in Ireland ;)

And now, from the finest movie ever made: