Wednesday, 9 October 2019

Le Duc (not) on the Road XVI - More from 'Mademoiselle en Paris'

So yes, these pics aren't from me (again), they are from my daughter; La Petit Mademoiselle who currently works en Paris...or as we would say with a more local vernacular ...she's workin' in that thar big Frenchie city like...

These, yet again, make a trip over to see her more pertinent, so that we can get some proper Le Duc camera discipline (or as my daughter would say, some 'toy soldier stuff').

She is of course accompanied by her boyfriend (not French) at present, who suffice to say, will become a wargamer, even if he does not yet realise it !

First pics are from the Eiffel Tower, with the latter from the Paris catacombs. Enjoy mes amis!*


*  (Note: Le Duc's grasp of the French language is circumspect and highly irregular at best. Don't make the critical mistake of ever believing that he knows a bloomin' word of another language ...except perhaps, bulls**t.)


  1. Nice! When do we see photos of toy soldiers?

    1. I know, I know. I need to get over there and put some Le Duc sensibility on this whole French photograph debacle. LOL

  2. What an extraordinary coincidence - if that isn't Jean-Claude, 2nd from left at the top of the last picture of the catacombs, then I'll eat my helmet. What's the chances of that, then?

    1. By the gods sir...I think you're right.
      (he always did have a funny lookin' nose).

  3. It is almost the season for pics of creepy bones etc..

  4. Me and the amazing mrs sprinks always mean to take a trip to check out the catacombs. Probably says a fair bit about are marriage if I'm honest

    1. Funny, I was thinking the same about myself and la Duchesse...I reckon they'd get on pretty well. They both have similar concerns - living with big kids and toy soldiers...

  5. Outstanding pictures, sir. Loving the catacombs. As an interesting aside, im Reading John Gill's "Thunder on the Danube" right now and it is actually making me want to learn French.

    Speaking of the 1809 campaign, perhaps the Mademoiselle should visit the "big man's" tomb? I mean none other than the Emperor Napoleon! Your blog fans would love a picture!

    1. AHA! I perfect idea. I must start arranging this.
      Keep me up to date on the 1809 campaign after the Kursk one. If we time it right, I could get some 54mm stuff done and do elements of it with Blucher or V&B.
